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13 APRIL 2024'Wilderness Bush Skills (DAY 1 PROGRAM) Hanmer AREA

13 APRIL 2024'Wilderness Bush Skills (DAY 1 PROGRAM) Hanmer AREA



LET’S GET YOU SKILLED for the wilderness!!  Our company provides (professional & expert level experienced training bush skills training) for survival emergency preparedness & general bush knowledge learning.   The course main instructor will be (Jason Paquette) owner, tour operator & adventure specialist / bush skills instructor.   Humbly bringing you into his home…”THE NORTHERN WILDERNESS”.  Jason is 45 years old man with a life time of professional and personal ”bush person” knowledge & experience.   He grew up with a father who was a die hard bush person & professional search and rescue coordinator for the region.  Raised hunting, fishing, winter camping, hiking, adventuring in the deep wilderness, teaching & living primitive skills, foraging edible & medicinal plants and more...Jason lived & adventured into the wilderness since birth. 

Not only growing up in this environment he was a boy scout growing up, army cadet, and later joined the Canadian Forces at age 16 as an Infantry soldier (reserve & regular force).  He spent 7 years taking numerous courses such as winter warfare & survival, reconnaissance, various soldier specialties like machine gunner, communication, hand to hand combat, escape & evasion, leadership courses, explosives, helicopter operations and more. 

In 2000 he transferred to MP & Intelligence branch and eventually served in special operation in surveillance operations as part of a National task force with the CFNIS OPS TEAM.  (Sneaky squirrel 007 stuff).   All this field time and experiences; coupled with his personal adventure personality gained him many hard fought knowledge’s, lessons and skills.   He is here now offering his knowledge & wisdom to pass on to his clients!

You can only learn so much from books, you tube etc… TO TRULY learn and be skilled at this or anything else in life.  “YOU MUST LIVE IT“! To truly learn skills “IN THE REAL” is the best way to learn.   The stuff that isn’t written in books.  

COME WALK WITH ME & my network affiliates!  And let us demystify the wilderness environment for you!  You will never see the wilderness the same again.  We will make you feel connected & at home in the wilderness environment.   Show you what is all around you & what the animals are doing and the “world” that is available to you.   The world that is foreign to most is his home!  Anytime of the year and in any weather conditions you will find him and his partners out there! 


This TWO DAY BUSHCRAFT SKILLS is an overnight stay event.

There will also be the Saturday classes & Sunday classes offered separately on our website for people who wish to do only a day of specific skills and or cannot do the overnighter.  Overnight clients will be in 4 Season Canadian Forces Arctic tents with wood stoves (these are 10 man tents but will be shared in pairs or small groups that book together).   Arrangements to be determined and people booking together will be lodged together.  We have 5 tents available for accommodations.



  • knots & shelter crafting & introduction to hot tent 
  • Ressources & fire starting skills
  • General bush knowledge teachings


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